Pictured Above: 1997 Hemlock High School Graduate Dr. Becky Larson-Sulfridge
Hemlock MI - Hemlock High School robotics team (Gray Matter) has stepped up to assist with the needs of the medical community workers.
Hemlock High School students have been 3D printing face masks, face shields, and ear savers for our medical workers since the pandemic of the COVID-19 virus hit us in March. To date, Hemlock has made multiple face masks, 150 face shields, and over 3,000 mask-ear savers.
Dana Lockwood, teacher said, “It’s been nice to get students involved in this project. It teaches them to think of others and not necessarily get something in return.”
Tyler Jones, HS Junior said, “It takes a lot of creative minds to come together to defeat a pandemic.”
For more information about this or other positive happenings, contact Hemlock Public School District at (989) 642-5282 or visit us on the web at www.hemlockps.com.