Hemlock Girls Tennis Team needs a couple more players to have a whole team, life long sport!
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
Girls Tennis
Download our App today! You will have things like staff contact info, dinning menus, and sports information at your fingertips.
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
There is no tradition like Huskie tradition! #excellence #HuskieAwesome
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
Congratulations to 5th grader Chad Brown. Another 1,000,000 word reader! Great job Chad!!
almost 7 years ago, Terry Keyser
Thank you for your responses on t-ball coaching. We are all set thanks to our community.
almost 7 years ago, Kelly Phillion
T-Ball Coaches NEEDED! Please call Bryan Conger at 989-233-8082, if interested. Thank you!
almost 7 years ago, Kelly Phillion
Our recycling promotion contest deadline(s) are nearing. Students submit your entries via email/Google drive at recycle@hemlockps.com.
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
Recycling Project
Have a wonderful Easter! No School tomorrow-See you back to School on Tuesday, April 3.
almost 7 years ago, Kelly Phillion
Happy Easter
Only 1 month left of early registration for Summer Recreation! Reserve your child's spot today.
almost 7 years ago, Hemlock Summer Recreation
Summer Recreation Registration is now Open!
Every child is an artist!
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
Every child is an artist!
Learning never takes a vacation. Read a book over spring break! Visit, Rauchholz Memorial Library.
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
Read a book
Hemlock’s robotics team Gray Matter competing in the finals today at Dow High in Midland. #GoHuskies #GoGrayMatter
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
Watch today's Midland FIRST Robotics competition online: http://www.firstinmichigan.org/stream.php?id=5
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
Hemlock High School Robotics Team, dominating match play today at Dow High in Midland, 7-1 for the day. Currently ranked 4th. #Go Huskies
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
Character day at Hemlock Elementary.
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
Reminder: Spring Break-March 26-April 2!
almost 7 years ago, Kelly Phillion
Spring Break
Lunch Menu Changes: Due to no school today, we will have the following menu: Thursday: Boneless wings or pepperoni pizza, romaine lettuce, fresh cauliflower and baby carrots, sliced pears, apple juice, and milk variety Friday: Walking Taco or cheese pizza, romaine lettuce, refried beans, a vegetable, applesauce, apple juice, and milk.
almost 7 years ago, Kelly Phillion
almost 7 years ago, Kelly Phillion
Donate blood at the Richland Township Hall on Thursday, March 29th and receive a T-shirt for your child in Hemlock Public Schools! Sign Up Here! https://donate.miblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/100371
almost 7 years ago, Kelly Phillion
blood drive
No school Wednesday, March 21st. Due to a water main break that services the middle school. Childcare will remain open. This is for all school buildings. Sorry for the inconvenience.
almost 7 years ago, Kids First!
No School