4th grade Transition Day
over 6 years ago, Terry Keyser
Working those locker coms during Transition Day for 4th graders getting ready to go to the middle school. Thanks to Mrs. Otter (social worker), Mr. Earle (custodian), the 4th grade teachers, Mrs. Graves and Mrs. Hare (librarians) and Mrs. Garrett for organizing the opportunity.
over 6 years ago, Terry Keyser
4th graders in the Transition Day library session getting ready for 5th next year
over 6 years ago, Terry Keyser
4th graders visit middle school today for Transition Day, getting ready for 5th grade next year. Sessions include a Q & A with 5th grade Student Council members, a library intro, and mastering locker opening!
over 6 years ago, Terry Keyser
students in class
students in pic
3D Printing is happening at Hemlock Public School District. This technology lets students create real solid objects from CAD drawings.
over 6 years ago, Tom Lockwood
3D printing thanks to  STEM grants.
GENERAL INFORMATION Roethke Park- Summer Camp and Bowfishing flyers are in the office. Hemlock Youth Football Registration for the Fall will be held on Sunday, May 20th from 5-8 pm at the Ling Elementary Cafeteria. The youth football program is for students going into grades 4-8 next year. Please pick up a flyer from the office if you are interested. Box Tops- Please clip any box tops from home and drop them off in the office. NJHS Members-"Attention all NJHS members, your end of the year picnic and beautification day will be held on May 31st. You will meet in Mr. Barrett's room at the start of 1st lunch. You will be finished working at 4:30. This is mandatory for all members. Please keep an eye on the NJHS Google Classroom page for more details."
over 6 years ago, Terry Keyser
Skip the dishes, visit Maple Grill this Wednesday from 11 am – 8 pm to support the class of 2023's trip to Washington D.C.
over 6 years ago, Kids First!
Skip the Dishes
Hard work and hands-on are never out of style at Hemlock Public School District. #Learning4Life
over 6 years ago, Kids First!
Small Engine Repair
2018 Seniors need to clean up their Chromebooks and have them ready to turn in.
over 6 years ago, Tom Lockwood
Turn in those Chromebooks.
What does Hemlock's Gray Matter do in the offseason? Develop experimental robots of course! Here PID feedback is being monitored for advanced motion control.
over 6 years ago, HPSD Robotics
Experimental Robot from Hemlock's FRC 5712
PID Motion Control Screen Shot
It is that time of year again! S.K.I.L.L.S. Basketball camps will be hosting 2 camps in Hemlock during the summer! See flier for details! https://docs.google.com/a/hemlockps.com/document/d/1N0sDdO1PojEI-03H4iB3YQ3UU-PtnSaNm9WtCXzT8rY/edit?usp=drive_web
over 6 years ago, Kelly Phillion
Did you know, HPSD offers programs from the cradle to college? #infants_through_earlymiddlecollege
over 6 years ago, Kids First!
Cradle to College
Hemlock Public School District needs you! Start your journey to become a school bus driver today. Call (989)642-5282
over 6 years ago, Kids First!
bus driver
Friendly reminder, don’t forget the middle school concert tonight at 7 pm high school gymnasium.
over 6 years ago, Kids First!
Hemlock Fall Soccer- Pre-K-8th grade (ages 4-13) On-line registration May1st-August 3rd www.hemlockyouthsports.com Walk-in registration Saturday Thursday July 31st 6:00-8:00 p.m. Flyers are in the office.
over 6 years ago, Terry Keyser
Recycling Video Competition Winners! https://youtu.be/AwX7Alh_0Yg
over 6 years ago, Kids First!
Recycling video
Love of the Arts, Best of District, 12th grader Jocelyn Paddock receives $75 prize.
over 6 years ago, Kids First!
Best of District Art
Recycling Poetry Winners! https://youtu.be/4KlH1dn6yd8
over 6 years ago, Kids First!
Happy Mother's Day!
over 6 years ago, Kids First!
Progress is progress no matter how small ... Take Initiative! #HPSD_Recycles #Thank_you_MDEQ
over 6 years ago, Kids First!
Recycling Poster