Better Together!
Hemlock Public School District is grateful for our partnership with various individuals and organizations. The district has so many partners that help make us serve our students and families better. These partnerships help keep us mission focused and customer service minded. Over the next couple of months the district will be highlighting some of these partnership and collaborations that allow us to serve you better. #BetterTogetherHuskies
Thank you Nexteer and Fullerton Tool for sponsoring the STEM Externship. Hemlock High School teachers Dana Lockwood and Heath Marietta attended and learned about connecting students with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
Dow STEM Ambassador and Hemlock Public School District parent leads sessions at Camp Infinity a STEM Camp that Dow is sponsoring with the Michigan Council of Women in Technology.
SVSU is offering a High School GIRLS' STEM camp July 25 - July 29.
For Information:
For Registration:
Good advice for today.
Hemlock Robotics, Boy Scouts, and Cross Country, pitch in to help Lions Club decorate holiday ornaments.
What’s the most fun thing you’ve done so far this summer?
Hemlock Public School District is a drop off site to Help Houghton, Michigan. #Hemlock_helps_Hougton,MI
Video Conferencing, in this case with our coding mentor in California, is part of our 365 day learning environment for Hemlock Robotics.
If assistance is needed throughout the summer months you may contact the Board Office-200 Wilson Street, or by calling 989-642-5282. School secretaries will be returning to their buildings on August 9, 2018. Enjoy your summer!
Did you know? Hemlock High School Early Middle College students have earned more than 2,000 college credits over the last three years!
Hemlock Basketball Golf Scramble-August 18, 2018! See flier for details:
School of Choice Application:
Our high school trap shooting team is at the State Finals today in Mason.
Hemlock Robotics Purchases CNC Tormach Mill to expand 21st Century learning opportunties for students. Grants from Gerstacker Foundation, Monsanto and HSC/Corning/HMS parntership made this possible.
Thank you HSC for helping support the fence at K.C. Ling at the playground!
Teachers thank you for a great school year. Looking forward to 2018-19...
Huskies Run in Packs!
Thank you to our custodial and maintenance staff that work all summer to get our facility ready for 2018-2019 school year!
Congratulations to the Class of 2022 Class Officers:
President: Grace Oldenburg
Vice President: Logan Wunsch
Secretary: Cameron Deweese
Treasurer: Nathan Kramer
Alternates: Samantha Seidel and Emily Brummel
These students will do a great job of extending their leadership skills at the high school next year.