Hands on and hard work never go out of style at Hemlock Public School District.
Over the Shoulder, Early Childhood Director Wendy Plewa: https://youtu.be/mk1piR_v6f8
Thank you to all our bus drivers for keeping our kids safe! Here is what we can all do to help keep them safe.
Better Together! Thank you, Sawdust Days, for your partnership, collaboration, and support to bring our community together. We at Hemlock Public School District applaud your efforts and celebrate your accomplishments on a wonderful 40-year tradition. #BetterTogetherwithSawdustDays #Huskies
Mission, Vision, and Core Values:
Hands on and hard work never go out of style at Hemlock Public School District.
Final adjusts are made to the T-shirt cannon for sawdust days events. Keep your head up!
Did you know, Hemlock Public School District serves breakfast at 7:20 AM every school day? #It_is_cool_to_eat_at_school!
It is a pleasure to welcome Tiffany Wika to the Huskie Pack! She will be teaching music at both of our elementary buildings.
OK2Say Programming is ramping up at Hemlock Middle School. Please read the attached letter that explains the program and provides links to program resources. Stay tuned to our Facebook, Twitter and Live Feeds for more information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W-_qq_ZAtK14mhWOMmijbZXZECvla456nh7QAIEhEWo/edit?usp=sharing
MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION AT SCHOOL--Please be aware that State law prohibits school personnel from administering prescription or over-the-counter medications to students unless parents provide the district with a medication administration form signed by a physician detailing medication administration. Medication administration forms were provided to parents in back-to-school materials and are available from the building offices as well. Additionally, State law prohibits school personnel from providing any minor first aid materials--band aids, topical ointments, sprays, etc.--to students. Please plan ahead with your student and ensure that you return the completed, physician-signed medication forms and accompanying medications to the office for administration if necessary. THANK YOU!
What? Even chickens want to join the Huskie Pack! This handsome guy stopped by K.C. Ling this morning with the hopes of enrolling.
Hemlock Board of Education honors retiring athletic training Becky Raube at their September Board of Education meeting.
Hemlock Board of Education honors high school para professional Annette Guettler at their September Board of Education meeting.
Hemlock Board of Education honors high head custodian Mike Walton at their September Board of Education meeting.
Hemlock Board of Education honors high school parent Heidi Kanouse at their September Board of Education meeting.
Hemlock Board of Education honors high school math teacher Amy Bry at their September Board of Education meeting.
Lunch money can be put on students account by visiting
SendMoneyToSchool.com and lunch applications can be filled out at LunchApp.com If you have any questions you may call our Food Service Director at 989-642-4700
Hemlock Public School District wants the most up to date information on your children attending school. Enrollment verification is open in Skyward Family Access until September 17. Please proceed and verify all emergency contact information, address, and phone information. (If you have a change in address-provide the school office a proof of residency.)Directions can be found at hemlockps.com For Families/Skyward Familes Access Page or see the example picture attached. If you have any questions, please call your child's school secretary.
Hemlock Cub Scout 5K—The Hemlock Cub Scouts are hosting a 5k run/walk during the Sawdust Days festival this year. It takes place on the morning of September 16th at 8:30 on the Hemlock High Cross-Country course. We have received tremendous support from local businesses and organization to help cover some of the costs but are struggling to get people to signed up. At the time of this email they have only 28 participants. Runner's Athletic has been incredibly supportive in terms of sponsorship and support so they have created a promo code in their honor that will grant a 20% discount on race registration when they use code 'RUNNERS20'.