Do you ever have a question or concern and wonder who you should share it with?
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Chain of Command
Huskie Rules for Success, #21 - CONTROL THE TEMPO!
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Shout out to our Tech Department, Tom Lockwood, Alex Haltom, and not pictured Moe Goka, for quietly keeping everything working that allows us to innovate, collaborate, and educate.
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Tech Department
March 12th, what a difference a day can make! Freshman Orientation at Hemlock High School for Fall of 2019. Call for details 989.642.5287
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Students design parts that will then be machined on the robotics team's Tormach Mill. Hemlock's Gray Matter provides advanced educational opportunities.
almost 6 years ago, HPSD Robotics
CAD Design for Milling.
Huskie Rules for Success, #21 - IF YOU CANNOT GO THROUGH IT, THAN GO AROUND IT!
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Huskie Rules
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Hemlock Public School District will be closed Thursday, February 7, 2019. Childcare will be open for those with scheduled care. We encourage students to keep the love of learning alive with reading and by using our online learning tools we provide. Stay safe everyone.
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Mike Mullally, owner of MIAR Machine and a Gray Matter Mentor, works with Robotics students teaching them how to build robot parts on a HAAS milling machine. Real world = real education. Hemlock's Gray Matter provides advanced educational opportunities.
almost 6 years ago, HPSD Robotics
Students Learn HAAS Mill.
Huskie Rules for Success, #25 - KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE!
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Hemlock Public School District will be closed Wednesday , February 6, 2019. Childcare open for those with scheduled care. Stay safe everyone.
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Huskietastic, urban dictionary: an adjective denoting a Hemlock Huskies state of being, which is generally regarded as extremely good.
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Shout out to our maintenance department, Rick Crofoot and Casey Enders for helping keep the buildings running, parking lots clear, and so much more! #MaintNeverSleeps
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
Casey and Rick
Huskie Rules for Success, #13 - NEVER LOOK AWAY!
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
The Robots are coming! Here, 3 motor, 2 speed gearboxes are being installed in a chassis. Hemlock's Gray Matter providing advanced educational opportunities.
almost 6 years ago, HPSD Robotics
Gear box installation - 5712
3 of our teachers were nominated for the FOX66 Golden Apple Award: KC Ling/Tammy Grandy, HMS/Kelley Ludlum, MS and HS/Josh Chase! Vote today at Tune in on Wednesday March 6th to "FOX66 News at 10" for the announcement of the winning teacher! The winner will receive a FOX66 Golden Apple Award in their name and will be recognized for their tremendous work on FOX66 throughout March!
almost 6 years ago, Kelly Phillion
Shout out to volunteer, John Mulvaney, he has been volunteering for 40+ years at Hemlock Public School District. #SportsBooster4Life
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!
John M
Hemlock Public School District a leader in technology and educational innovation. #BetterTogether
almost 6 years ago, Kids First!