MS SPRING CONCERT- Hemlock Band Program cordially invites you to our annual Middle School Spring Concert on Wednesday, May 15th beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Hemlock High School gymnasium. Students should report at 6:30 in the required concert dress. 7th and 8th Grade Bands should wear their band polo, khaki pants, and nice dress shoes. The 5th and 6th grade should dress in nice dress clothes.
over 5 years ago, Terry Keyser
FYI - The bus loop between K.C. Ling Elementary and Hemlock Middle School is for buses and school personnel only. At no time during the school day is the bus loop open for traffic to parents or the community. This area is coned off and is under surveillance.
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
2019-2020 MS Girls Pom- if you are currently in 5th-7th grade and interested in being a part of the 2019-20 Pom Team there is a sign up sheet in the office along with an informational sheet of important dates and times.
over 5 years ago, Terry Keyser
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
Batter up! #huskietastic
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
Batter Up!
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
Huskie Kung Fu!
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
Sneek peek of the Love of the Arts night tomorrow night. 5-7 for fine arts and 7-9 for performance arts. See you there.
over 5 years ago, Keith Green
Thank you, Hemlock Public School District teachers! #Huskietastic
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
Teacher Appreciation Week
Reminder- Today's Band concert will be held in the Hemlock High School gym at 3pm. The Pine street entrance to the high school will be open for the concert. Go Huskies!!!
over 5 years ago, Keith Green
Next week, Teacher Appreciation Week May 5 -11th!
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
Knowledge is power. The more you know.
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
To alleviate traffic on the service drive Hemlock High School STUDENT DRIVERS ONLY, will be permitted to use the high school Pine street entrance between 7am- 7:45 am. This is one way traffic only into the high school for STUDENT DRIVERS. Go Huskies
over 5 years ago, Keith Green
Mark your calendar, Love of the Arts, May 7th from 5-9 PM at Hemlock High School.
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
Hemlock's Gray Matter finished another outstanding season by competing in the World Championships in Detroit against 400 world-class robots. Gray Matter has the highest ranked hatch placing robot in the world.
over 5 years ago, HPSD Robotics
5712 competes.
Gray Matter at Worlds
The TVC honored the top 3 students for the class of 2019. The TVC determines the top students using the SAT power formula. Congratulations to Sydney, Madison and Emma.
over 5 years ago, Keith Green
Huskies Run in Packs!
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
Help us celebrate our Principal's! Tomorrow, May 1, 2019, is National's School Principal's Day! Thank you Mr. Green, Mr. Keyser, and Mrs. Gensch! #huskietastic
over 5 years ago, Kelly Phillion
Batter up!
over 5 years ago, Kids First!
Road construction news, when N.Hemlock Rd is closed to our high school. Please access our high school from the north side using Frost road (official detour), depending upon your location, conditions and construction our service drive may be available as well.
over 5 years ago, Kids First!