Hemlock Public School District is pleased to announce that Cory Snider has been appointed as the new Hemlock Elementary Principal, allowing Principal Lori Gensch to focus her energies at K.C. Ling Elementary.
Board President, Matt Wesener said, “Congratulations to Cory! It’s always amazing to see one of Hemlocks amazing employees rewarded with opportunity.”
Cory Snider will be a familiar face to many of our parents, students, and community members, as he spent the last year as our Director of Athletics, Recreation, and Community Education. Snider will also continue in his role as the District Athletic Director, but during the day will be mostly located at 200 Wilson Street.
Cory brings a professional portfolio of experience. He spent twelve years as a classroom teacher before coming to Hemlock as the district Athletic Director. Cory has served in many different leadership roles as an educator. He has been a mentor teacher, a member of the school and district improvement team, an English curriculum consultant, as well as a member of the Behavior Intervention Team dealing with MTSS and Restorative Justice.
New Elementary Principal, Cory Snider said, “I am beyond excited to continue my educational journey in Hemlock as the new elementary principal and am looking forward to working together with our amazing staff, students, families, and community to continue to provide an excellent experience for all stakeholders.”
Snider received his Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, in 2008 from Central Michigan University and went on to receive his Master of Education, in 2015 in Educational Leadership from Saginaw Valley State University.
Superintendent Don Killingbeck said, “Snider is an instructional leader with a solid understanding of teaching and learning and supporting teachers. We have grown over the past few years at the Early Childhood Center, Hemlock Elementary, and K.C. Ling Elementary so this shift will allow us to have a principal at each of our elementary buildings.”
After getting settled into his position, Principal Snider plans on focusing on continuing improvements that are currently in place, such as curriculum development, PBIS/PAWS, and fostering a climate of positivity that makes everyone feel welcome.